Triton Films

Documentary, Cultural, Educational

BBC Film Shoot in Yap 2009


In March 2009,  a BBC film crew travelled to Yap to film an episode for the "How Earth Made Us" television series.  The filmmakers were interested in finding a traditional navigator from Micronesia to tell the story of how the use of winds and currents played an important part in the discovery and settlement of the Pacific Ocean.


The BBC contracted with Triton Films to provide for on-site services and support for the film shoot to take place on mainland Yap.  I (Eric Metzgar) was Project Manger and "fixer" for the production, Larry Raigetal was Project Coordinator, Ali Haleyalur served as the on-camera Master Navigator,  and 10 outer islanders from Lamotrek crewed the Simion Hokulea, a traditional 33-foot voyaging canoe.   The Yap Traditional Navigation Society graciously provided the Simion Hokulea for the two-day shoot,  and O'Keefe's Waterfront Inn helped with generous accommodations as well as tour arrangments for the BBC during the production. 


BBC television broadcast Spring 2010 (in Great Britain)

"How Earth Made Us" BBC website at:


Photographs courtesty of Paul Williams, BBC Staff Researcher, unless otherwise noted.  Copyright © Paul Williams (, All Rights Reserved.

© Paul Williams (
Preparations for filming the Simion Hokulea with chase boat

© Paul Williams (
Chase boat films shunting the sail on Simion Hokulea
(moving the mast from one bow to the other to change direction)

© Paul Williams (
BBC film crew on Simion Hokulea

© Paul Williams (
Simion Hokulea crew in action

© Eric Metzgar
BBC producer/director Nigel Walk interviewing master navigator Ali Haleyalur

© Eric Metzgar
"How Earth Made Us" BBC presenter/commentator Iain Stewart interviewing Ali Haleyalur

© Eric Metzgar
Filming the crew

© Paul Williams (
Simion Hokulea sailing with a light wind

© Paul Williams (
Sailing with the wind coming directly from behind with the mast "cross rigged"

© Paul Williams (
Bow shot with mast "cross rigged"

Eric Metzgar & Ali Haleyalur
Project manager Eric Metzgar and master navigator Ali Haleyalur

© Paul Williams (
Production team group shot at end of film shoot