Lamotrek Atoll:  Research Film Footage
of a Traditional Carolinian Society
Atoll Image


196 minutes, Color and B/W, Sound and Silent, 1983

        Ethnographic film footage of the magic, arts, skills, and social activities of Lamotrek Atoll, an outer island community in the Central Caroline Islands, Micronesia over a fourteen-month period in 1977-78.   In English and Lamotrekese with English translations.

       Click here for outline of subects covered, time-length of subjects, and what materials are translated.

        This program is of non-broadcast television quality and generally only suitable for academic or research purposes.  It contains video glitches and sound distortions, usually only when cutting from scene to scene, which are not a product of the copying process but are due to technical limitations in the original edited recording.


        A film by Eric Metzgar in association with the people of Lamotrek Atoll, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia.

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Individuals $100, Institutions $300

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